How Katarina Zed As Vs To
Zed vs katarina. zed. zed is one of my main champions. recently, i maintain seeing an increasing number of kat mid's and that i usually lose that in shape up. her capabilities have shorter cd's and aren't skillshots so she always appears to outpoke me in lane and whilst she hits 6, her ult seems to do more how katarina zed as vs to harm than mine. once she receives a kill or , she simply snowballs. Watch katarina beat zed in grandmaster elo! highlights: quadrakill, summoner is rank 8 katarina in turkey, top kda: 15/1/3, killing spree: legendary. study what runes to use, what gadgets to build. Dec 19, 2018 · analyze katarina speedy zed matchup 1 complete sport informative remark katlife katlife. loading unsubscribe from katlife? cancel unsubscribe. working. Learn katarina rapid zed matchup 1 full game informative commentary katlife katlife. loading unsubscribe from katlife? cancel unsubscribe. running. how katarina zed as vs to Zed vs katarina matchup hints. negative engli...